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    What are the Australia and New Zealand validation rules?

    137 0 Created on 2023-03-29 08:49:51; Last updated on 2023-09-08 08:14:58

    Compliance Requirements

    Nestlé is using Tradeshift to ensure the invoice process meets local regulatory and policy requirements. One element of compliance relates to the content of the invoices. Please visit to view the details of requirements by country.

    Nestlé has defined additional requirements to the content of invoices to ensure optimal processing and timely payments. These requirements are enforced by Tradeshift. Invoices not meeting these requirements will be rejected and will not be delivered to Nestlé.

    AUSTRALIA and New Zealand INVOICES content requirements:

    Rule # Mandated Information Description/Tradeshift error message
    (if using PO flip / web UI)
    G = Global
    C(AU/NZ) = Country Specific Australia and New Zealand
    Example & Format
    01 Invoice date No future dating

    Error message “Future dated invoices are not allowed”
    G n/a
    02 Invoice number Max 16 characters alphanumeric

    All special characters allowed, and no space allowed but no special character as the last value allowed

    Error message - “The invoice number should have a maximum of 16 alphanumeric characters. Special characters are not allowed at the end of the invoice number”

    C (AU/NZ)

    03 Amount total Cannot be 0 G n/a
    04 Order number 10 digits long

    PO # must be on both header and invoice line level
    G 1234567890
    05 Payment means Exactly 1 payment means / type is allowed G n/a
    06 Order line number PO line number to be available on invoice line level. 5 digits with leading 0 and multiple by 10 G 00010, 00020, 00030

    AUSTRALIA and New Zealand Credit note content requirements:

    Rule # Mandated Information Description/Tradeshift error message
    (if using PO flip / web UI)
    G = Global
    C(AU/NZ) = Country Specific Australia and New Zealand
    Example & Format
    01 Credit note date No future dating

    Error message “Future dated credit notes are not allowed”
    G n/a
    02 Credit note number Max 16 characters alphanumeric

    All special characters allowed, and no space allowed but no special character as the last value allowed

    Error message - “The Credit note number should have a maximum of 16 alphanumeric characters. Special characters are not allowed at the end of the credit note number”

    C (AU/NZ)

    03 Invoice reference number (Original invoice reference for the credit note) Max 16 characters alphanumeric

    All special characters allowed, and no space allowed but no special character as the last value allowed

    C (AU/NZ)

    04 Amount total Cannot be 0 G n/a
    05 Order number 10 digits long

    PO # must be on both header and credit note line level
    G 1234567890
    06 Payment means Exactly 1 payment means / type is allowed G n/a
    07 Order line number PO line number to be available on invoice line level. 5 digits with leading 0 and multiple by 10 G 00010, 00020, 00030

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